Course "Nature Connected coaching" This course is inspired by my training regarding Applied Eco-psychology as a Student and Co-Trainer. and combined with the model of Egan. With my love and respect for Nature in conjunction with my work as Nature Counselor and coach. I also have worked as a trainer for Vocational Academy for Counseling and Coaching during which I wrote this course as support and inspiration for Nature Coaches. This is specifically for personal and professional growth. The course explains coaching with examples, assignments, knowledge, exercises and activities that are carried out in the Nature. Modules and sections are accompanied with regular evaluations and feedback during the course. During 6 months we will work with 6 modules and you will also receive the modules will be send to you by email.

As a student or old-student you receive also free gatherings in Holland, every season you are welcome.  We also can planning in together when you are in the Netherlands for a personal live gathering. 

Module 1: What is the difference between Coaching in nature and Coaching with Nature?

Module 2: How do you work as a Nature Connected coach? What appeals to you most?

Module 3: Which senses do we actually know and can be tuned, once we are in nature? How strong and what is intuition?

Module 4: Which senses affect our behavior? What we can change it yourself?

Module 5: How would you go about specifying your target groups?

Module 6: Here we cover practical information on natural marketing, networking, health insurers, and private practice.

Contact me for more information.

You also can receive a private course online, where you will receive personal guidance during the course. And in your own ritme. Possibillities with skype-meetings. No extra costs.

If you can read Dutch or translate to English, you can also following the course here with a lifelong access and contact with other students.

Short impression of a day click here!

During the last course a cursist made a nice film about the area we were. I didn't know he was filming and played a little on my High Spirit Flute! 

All rights reserved. This includes literal, graphic and intellectual rights inclusive. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Ernya Hilton de Kooter, owner of Realeyezation. For the inclusion of one or more parts of this publication in anthologies, readers and other compilations (Article 16 of the Copyright Act 1912) should be directed to Ernya Hilton-de Kooter The completeness of this course is given with the utmost care. For information which is incomplete or vague in any form, nevertheless recognized by the author accepts no liability. For any new improvements and modifications recommended or implied are the sole property of Realeyezation and Ernya Hilton-de Kooter. © 2008 –  to present.